Sets of Instructions
Advanced Entry - MacArthur
The Task: Creating a to-the-point rundown of how to use this innovative visitor management device, to display at a partnering healthcare facility.
The Task: Creating a to-the-point rundown of how to use this innovative visitor management device, to display at a partnering healthcare facility.
Box Instructions vf web
The Task: Drafting instructions to accompany this visitor management kiosk.
The Task: Drafting instructions to accompany this visitor management kiosk.
The Task: Instructing users of this innovative charity product how to set up their devices.
The Task: Instructing users of this innovative charity product how to set up their devices.
The Task: Writing up an automated email to assist donor management software users who haven’t yet completed setup.
The Task: Writing up an automated email to assist donor management software users who haven’t yet completed setup.
Customer Email: Linking Bank Account
The Task: Writing up an automated email to assist donor management software users who haven’t yet completed setup.
The Task: Writing up an automated email to assist donor management software users who haven’t yet completed setup.
Card Setting Help
Customer Email: Card Settings
Customer Email: No Funds Added
The Task: Writing up an automated email to assist donor management software users who haven’t yet completed setup.
The Task: Writing up an automated email to assist donor management software users who haven’t yet completed setup.
Mobile Instructions
The Task: Proofreading and editing the text for a set of instructions to be printed and packaged with this charity management device, utilizing concise but clear vocabulary.
The Task: Proofreading and editing the text for a set of instructions to be printed and packaged with this charity management device, utilizing concise but clear vocabulary.